Saturday 1 August 2009

RED-GREEN change

This was a thought, I got when I was doing my driving lessons. Driving laws are simple - you stop on a RED, you start on a GREEN. But can you change this law? I was thinking about this, and got a chain of thought. Decided to write a note as I found is amusing, even a bit crazy. What it essentially implies is you can not escape this law, and if you try the law will readjust itself that, GREEN becomes the new RED.

Looks confusing? Suppose I decide NOT to stop on RED. Well and good. I drive without accidents, even without stopping at REDs. But if this trend catches on, I wil lface an siiue. I will be forced to stop at GREENs, because there may be another driver who also does not stop on RED. So people seeing me starts driving on RED. But on GREEN there is confusion, because old law states 'You start on GREEN' and new trend makes starting on GREEN dangerous. So some may stop and some may start on GREEN.

So considering everything, the logical step will be to make ALL stop on GREEN, and all to start on RED. (Reson being it is always trendy to make a new law, than remedying an old one). I am happy that I changed the world. But essentially the world has fooled me, it has interchanged its definition of RED and GREEN. GREEN is the new RED. you stop on a GREEN(RED), you start on a RED(GREEN).

So what s the big picture ? You can not escape by any chance. You change the world by introducing democracy, trying to change the law 'The mighty takes the CROWN.' What happens ?

Mighty candidates rig the ballots to get more votes (US, Iran, Pakistan, India). They make sure any disputes come to courts in which judges were appointed by them, or even dismiss the whole judicial bench.

So guys, when you change the world make sure it is not a RED-GREEN change.

P.S. May be I can copyright this term RED-GREEN change denoting a farcical change . :)

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