Friday 6 March 2009

Ways of robbing common man

All through human history, there were daring robberies. - armed robberies , which was basically confrontational. But with development of technology, these became irrational. Try robbing a store, you are bound to be in jail. But still robberies go on, who tries these insane ones ? People who do not have enough to eat, who are so desperate in life that they will try anything to live. People who are driven to the edge by society.
Banks have always been a good target. Many a film have come out, where you see people all dressed up in balck going for the loot with cutters. Ha ha, what are you going to do with the marked notes if you succed also ? Hmm..... films are not concerned about the life after robbery..Once the mission accomplished, their job is finsihed.
So where are all the smart crooks ? The ones who have been successful throughout in robbing common man. Have these technological advances and sophistication put an end to crime ? If you think so you are gravely mistaken.
Now it is safe to be on top of the bank and loot it, rather than outside. Better what, you will also get a large pension for your robbery. Hmm........... jail for robbery? no no , that is for common man robbing a common man. Here is an extra special, robbing common men, so no jail for him. In fact we have to double the pension for him to thank him for the job he has done for the economies of the world.
Welcome to the world of white collar crime, where you will not get punished. Now scenario had changed, but has our laws caught up ? No. We can not do anything to these guys. Now people specialise in killing common men not using guns, but driving them to their death in desperation and unemployment.
Welcome to the world of shares. Collect money from common man giving him all promises. He is always greedy, whatever you do to him, he will come back and buy them. Even if he is cheated in front of his eyes. Asatyam computers may be one example. The collected money you deposit in your various other companies and fiinally confess you had cooked up all books. Be sure to give politicians money. One important thing. When you do these new robberies, you do not take political sides. Both ruling and opposition should be in your pocket. You should help both campaigns.
Always have a good doctor handy. The moment some thing goes wrong, you are supposed to have chest pain. Five star prison, you deserve it, after all this clever looting.
If you are a politician, you can loot from anywhere. People have mastered it so well, I do not have any comments to make. When you are exposed, take out a procession with all your followers. Blame everyone other than you.
Hmm ....... are these the only ways? There is still a new way. Try to establish democarcy in another country. This you can try out only if you have enough fire power. Now to establish democarcy, you need to first destroy everything in that country. Now to rebuild it, take money as tax, from common men. Now be sure that all contracts go to your companies. Put some oil into the mix, and be on the director board of an oil company, you are in perfect position to rob common man.
Who said crime does not pay ? That person did not know how to do it :)

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