Tuesday 24 March 2009

When I was in ..............

When I was in ............................, This was a phrase that was attributed to pensioners from armed forces always......They were the people who used to travel far and wide as part of their assignments. As part of their journeys they used to have very exciting adventures too, which they used to narrate to all those around them (whether they were interested or not ) ..........

But globalisation changed it all . Lately lot of people have started to travel abroad, first it was Gulf countries, then US, UK, Australia the list continues..Software engineers are a lot who are blessed with this travel luck..at least till this recession time.
So now they have taken over this phrase from the poor pensioners. Difference is when I was in Punjab, Jammu etc is now replaced with , when I was in US, UK .............

You can see a lot of RRI s walking around you. (Recently Returned Indians..) , please replace the I with your country, if someone outside India is reading this blog( writer hopes so). Now how can you recogonise them ? .........Hmm.......quite easy........first you will hear a lot of 'please' , 'thank you' ........They will hold the door open for the person behind..They tend to stand in perfect queue for lunch and in bus stop. Suddenly they will start to obey traffic rules and stop spitting in road....A fear of driving and crossing roads also can betray RRI s ......Forgot one thing.........will frequently complain about the heat....speed of net ..........pollution........corruption....

And a lot of 'When I was in ...............' or 'In ............. things are not done like this.........'.

Now this is a hangover that lasts only few weeks, or months depending on the time spent onsite. Days pass and RRI will become just RI - the Real Indian.......now no more 'please' or 'thanks', doors will bang shut,,,,,, lunch queues become like cinema theatre queues...I am referring to real theatre qs, not the multiplex ones....

What causes the change ?

My aim is not to compare a developed country and a developing country and say everything is bad.

But really, if you answer my question,

then in your answer the solution will be there.

to make the developing country , a developed one...........

So till then , when I was in .......................... :)

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