Wednesday 4 March 2009

Why am I here ?

Always wanted to use time effectively. But after 5 years of software engineering, it all looks the same. Do not have the genius or flare in me to leave a mark behind. May be had some good solutions, but can it be credited to me ? Definitely no.

It was with the help of google I was coding. The better you can search, the better programmer you are. Ya, you need to know what you are looking for.

So where was I ? Ya about leaving a mark behind. Always wanted to be something original. Still in the search for it. But I know, it is still a distant dream.

Got fed up with Indian software industry. The daily politics and craze for positions.

Everyone forgets that God created the 'CODE' first. He saw it was beautiful too.
Then whoever did not have the aptitude to code or did not want to code invented everything around it. QA, Management, HR .................... at last the programmer was sacrificed.

At least there was an advantage. You made quick bucks. You could hope around, always for a better offer. Everyone was wanting to become a software engineer. Now that also has changed. Everyone had forgot about the cyclic nature of the industry. The dreams are coming crashing down. We made the 'city of flowers', the most worst place to live in. Made the living expense high with our quick earned money. Now what ? Software industry is coming down. But expenses, will they come down.

Had seen a lof of 'engineers' working on stocks and real-estate in office. Wonder what they are doing now ?

Hmmmmmmmmmm.......... onsite opportunity .... if you are lucky. Again it is not a mass onsite like before. You may end up in Norway alone seeing no-one. with no sun light too.

May be a direct job abroad. That also looks bleak now. Unemployment is a problem for them too. If they can not find jobs for them selves how will they give it to you ?

Lucky are those who were befor us. Are they really ? How much they missed. Technology, sophistication and comfort have always favoured the late comers. So who is lucky ?

Ha ha ha............. Hey is this all very important? There are so many things I had missed. Now is the time to return to them. More important things.

This will all clear up. Wait for the next cycle. Take it as a reality check. At least this will keep away people away from software, who just comes here because of pressure. Let us also find alternare industries. Otherwise it will be a huge mistake. It is just till another nation picks up English and starts to offer cheaper labour.

Just wanted to write some thing, some things that were in my mind. So here I am .....................


  1. Well... The questions for people like us are

    1. How long can we survive
    2. Can we save enough to consider retirement
    3. Do we have a back plan
    4. Where else is suitable for us to work

  2. Hi Sanoob,
    Nice.. May be this is relevant too. :) Finding a vocation just to survive or just to earn money is far less than what humans are meant to be and capable of, I think. Humans are created in the image of their Creator; they can do an imitation of Him. Your desire to be original is one of the things I admire in you.
    If the end goal of what one is doing is to earn more and more money, then there is no purpose in life. I think that is the case in India, the very reason why almost everyone wants to become a 'software engineer' is that they want money. The desire to become prosperous in itself is not condemnable, but if that becomes the end goal of one's life, then life itself loses meaning. How can one find an alternate industry? So, the assumption is that those alternate industries exist and yes, there are other industries in India too. They do not pay as much as the West does; it reveals the vast difference in the productivity levels between India and the West. But, in the West, almost everyone has a better quality of life and also in the West, the pay of an IT professional is much less than other salaries employees, I compared once. But, in India, IT professionals are paid much more in Indian rupees than others in India. It is because, that money is not generated in India, but that comes from the West and they just pay a pittance for the work we do here and that itself is far greater than the any other Indian industry pays their employees. It just shows the difference in the morals and goals of the people of this country. They do not want to be original, they do not want to study or gain knowledge for the sake of gaining knowledge. If something else pays more, they all will leave this and will do that. Indian politicians say that the supposed Indian preeminence in the software industry is because of the superior ability of Indians to do math and to support this they cite 'ancient vedic wisdom and math'. I heard this more than once: If the West would outsource dancing to India, then every graduate would aspire to become a 'dance professional' and the politicians would cite the 'ancient Indian dance traditions' like Kathakali and other dance forms as the reason for the 'excellence' of Indians in dancing. :)

    Write more.. :)

  3. Welcome to the world of random thoughts! Even with google if you can put together something worthwhile I think still counts. Can't have an artist invent colours before he paints. And come to think of it we've all made our make little mark somewhere or other. Thank goodness for the chaos theory;) Keep writing.
